Dr. Daniel McGillivray
Dr. Daniel McGillivray

Dr. Daniel McGillivray

About Dr. Daniel McGillivray, BSc, MD, FRCSC, DABO

Dr. Daniel McGillivray is a Comprehensive Ophthalmologist. His practice includes the medical, laser and surgical treatment of various eye diseases including Cataract Surgery with Advanced Technology Implants, Glaucoma, Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Retinal Pathology and Diseases of the Eyelids / Orbit.

Dr. McGillivray holds a B.Sc. (Chemical Engineering, Queen’s University), Doctor of Medicine (University of Calgary), and a Fellowship in Ophthalmology (Queen’s University).

Dr. McGillivray is a Staff Ophthalmologist in the Department of Surgery at Joseph Brant Hospital. He has served in various leadership roles including President of the Medical Staff, Chair of Hospital Committees, and on the Ophthalmology Steering Committee for the region.